
Supreme Court Ruling On Bbi - The high court nullified the initiative on may 14, 2021 in a scathing ruling, a judgment that was upheld by the court of appeal on august 25, .
威爾史密斯開放式關係 / 2 days ago · 威爾史密斯和老婆潔達蘋姬(jada pinkett smith)結婚多年,曾透露兩人是「開放式關係」。 快訊/威爾史密斯衝上台揍人:閉上你的臭嘴! 奧斯卡.
Oscar Winners 2022 / Jane campion wins the directing award.
奥斯卡 2022 - 2022奧斯卡「最佳視覺效果獎」入圍暨得獎名單 · 《沙丘》(dune) · 《蜘蛛人:無家日》(spiderman: